
IAI Dairy Expo - dairy cattle fair in India  

IAI Dairy Expo is the largest fair of the dairy cattle breeding sector in India. This year we took part in the 8th edition of the fair. During the fair we had a contact with more than 300 exhibitors from all over the world, thousands of visiting breeders, veterinary surgeons and hundreds of people who make decisions about the shape of the breeding sector for the following years.

As regards the size of the stock and milk production, India is an unquestionable world leader on the dairy cattle market, ahead of Brazil and China. The Indian market records growths and improvement of the results of breeding, and almost 200 million items of cattle are the result that is very hard to achieve even by the largest countries of the world. What is important, for religious reasons the cattle in India is not intended for slaughter, and Indian people do not eat beef from cows. Cows are treated by them only as a source of milk and the pulling power. Buffaloes play a very important role in agriculture, apart from being a perfect pulling power they are intended for slaughter and milked.

As regards the fair, surprisingly enough, we were the only Polish company that had the courage to present its offer in India. Our presence in Delhi aroused a real interest, among both breeders and local companies from the sector. Our products were welcome despite the facts that breeders do not have a habit of using them, yet.  It turns out, not for the first time, that we are the ones to create trends and act as a pathfinder, not only for breeders, but also for companies operating in this sector for many years.

That is why we were proud to collect an award granted to us by organisers for contribution in building the Indian breeding market. During the three days of the fair, hundreds of talks and presentations of products demonstrated that Indian companies are interested in establishing cooperation in the scope of distribution of Over Group products. Thus, we should soon expect that also Indian cows will have a chance to appreciate the quality of our products, and breeders will have quicker and better results of cow breeding.


Over Group Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzilnościa Spółka Komandytowa

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